7035 W. SAHARA AVE. #500 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89117
Open Mon-Fri 8AM - 6PM


Bellow you will find some of the most frequently asked questions. If you cannot find an answer below please Contact Us with your questions.

Having your oil and oil filter changed, at least as often as recommended by the manufacturer, is likely to generate the single biggest return on your routine-maintenance investment. Replacing the dirty oil and filter will help protect the internal parts of the engine from premature wear. It’s important to use the recommended grade of oil for your vehicle for the best protection and fuel mileage. See your vehicle owner’s manual for the recommended oil change interval, or follow the oil-life monitoring system, if equipped.

It sounds like it is time for a tune up. Courtesy Auto Repair & Service will do a complete inspection of the engine including checking spark plugs, spark plug wires (if equipped), fuel injection, fuel filter and air filter etc. and replace or clean all necessary items.

With the cost of major repairs today an extended service plan with the right company is a good thing to have. There are many plans offered and we work with all service providers. They have saved our customers thousands of dollars over the cost of the plan. We are currently also a CarShield partner, find out more here: carshield.com/facility/22780

Courtesy Auto Repair & Service